Liminal Void

Liminal Void

Why does this game exist?

Short Answer:

It’s cool.

Long Answer:

Video games have a problem where most of their content is held off from the player unless they complete a series of tasks to view the content from their already purchased product. These are also called “quests,” “missions,” or “gameplay loops” compiled by either an angsty young adult or a team of angsty middle-aged adults with hemorrhoids. These people make a science out of valuing the player’s time, but they get so esoteric that they do the opposite. They also have poor taste in music and style, so they must hire other people to do it for them. This usually makes the game less of an artwork and more of a production. Occasionally, an artist drops by and makes the game more about “feelings”; however, they usually end up with a calm game. Liminal Void can be described as an “anti-cozy” game that will force the player to progress regardless of whether or not they improve. Like aging. It loves you but it won’t cut you slack. You can still experience the story. Your ending is determined by choice, but you must defeat a manifestation of the game’s final form to see a happy ending. Even if you fail for 90% of the game, there’s still the 10% that can make up for it. Things will get more complicated. But you will always have an opportunity to win.
